Openbox release notes: December update v0.8.21

A woman working on a laptop with a notebook and pen, coffee and mobile next to her

Since the end of the Openbox beta round 3 in October, we’ve been hard at work fixing the issues our beta users have found and implementing their feature requests. Here is the complete list to date. New features Create LAMBDAs from Openbox calculations. Read LAMBDAs from Excel and convert to Openbox calculations. “Unfold” recursive LAMBDAs […]

What does Lambda mean?

Ipad with graphs and charts, on a table with different print outs of similar graphs and charts

Those of you, like me, who follow Excel on social media (do your children take the p*** for this the way mine do?) may have seen a new article this week. Microsoft has announced a new feature in Excel called Lambda (λ). Lambda matters a lot. Both because of what it allows Excel to do, […]

The Multi-Billion Dollar Excel Error that didn’t happen today

digital financial graph being created by man in suit

Excel is involved in every major transaction, every capital investment, every business sale, large or small and most financial forecasts. Decisions worth billions of dollars every single day are based on Excel models. Recent weeks have seen multiple headlines about Excel errors. Excel has been blamed for major losses, and in the case of UK […]

Harder, Better, Faster

harder faster smarter

A Faster Audit? We set ourselves the challenge of looking at the financial model audit process to see how we can make it faster for our clients. For those of you un-familiar with the typical audit process, it usually goes something like this: Engage auditors around 1 month prior to bid / financial close Initial […]

The Beginning of the end? U.K. PFI contract expiry

future of finance

When I was setting out in PPP / PFI as a fresh young analyst, the idea that these 20+ year deals would one day reach contract expiry seemed an unimaginably far-off prospect. However, as I survey my many grey hairs in the mirror, that time is now upon us and there are interesting times ahead […]

The pain of being audited

male analysing financial papers

Nobody likes to be scrutinized, and to have a financial model audited is a very public form of scrutiny. I have had my models audited many times, and it is not generally a fun experience. My rational brain tells me that it has to be done and that a thorough audit is a good thing, […]