Financial Modelling – Survival of the fittest
In Financial Modelling it is often the business with the best model that survives the future I was chatting to a new client the other day and I was taken aback by his passion and energy relating to financial modelling. He said something that really summed up what I have been trying to say in […]
UK Spring Statement 2022: What does it mean for tax?
The UK Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, delivered his Spring Statement today (23 March 2022). In terms of measures relating to companies involved in the project finance arena, one of the main items of note was the announcement of the government’s Tax Plan for the remainder of this parliament. Tax Plan At the Autumn Budget 2022, the […]
Those who can, audit
In the past, financial model audit has been treated as a training ground. Traditionally the brightest and best start in audit and move on quickly to the more ‘glamorous’ model build and advisory assignments. Leaving behind the less-motivated and less-talented to continue with the ‘mundane’ audit work. With respect, we believe that this approach is […]
Disrupting Financial Model Audit
I was speaking to a client the other day and was blown away by his enthusiasm for our new approach to Financial model audit with “model audit 2.0“. To paraphrase, he said ‘I love what you guys are doing. You are disrupting the model audit market. You are like the Tesla of model audit.’ Well, […]
Financial Model Audit: More than a box ticked
I have spent a large chunk of my career as a financial advisor, and that has often involved helping clients to select their model auditor. Often clients see the financial model audit as a necessary evil, a due diligence requirement from lenders, a box to be ticked. The audit is seen as an insurance policy […]
Financial Model Audit: What makes a good audit?
We are constantly striving to make our model audit service as good as it possibly can be. Here’s what we believe makes a great model audit experience: Finding the big errors This goes without saying, but the one thing that overshadows everything else is that you need to be confident that material errors will be […]